Titolo idea:
Descrizione del progetto:
The idea is to build a system based on the opening by digital fingerprint of the owner.
The bolt and small space is reserved for the device that is capable of storing over 10 fingerprint, only if the owner so desires and entering a code by professional man. Not all vehicles can enjoy such property. An electronic link is necessary and "vintage" vehicles haven't.
This service is very fast, in just a few seconds in fact the vehicle is ready for use.
In addition to speed of use, a very important factor is the security it provides. You can leave the vehicle anywhere, away from home and unattended, without any concern.
The target is aimed at a consumer with a medium-high social status, as the price is not affordable by everyone. The advantage is you by it once in your life.
Componenti della squadra:
- Silvi Matteo
- Cani Tea
- Kurti Sara
- Minopoli Federica