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Project promoted dall'AUR-Agency Umbria Research co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Umbria ESF "Regional Competitiveness and Employment '2007-2013

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Titolo idea:




Descrizione del progetto:


Supporting long trips in company with my friends, very often i found the necessity to urgently use a bath to satisfy the sudden physiological needs. From these experiences i had the idea of a portable water of small size, easily transportable and inexpensive. Was carried out a search with the aim of identifying the suppliers of materials: wood fibers for the production of the support and the nonwoven of polypropylene treated hydrophobic (same material used for the diapers) for the achievement of the sachet for the collection of droppings.


Componenti della squadra:


  • Mencarelli Benedetta

  • Remigi Maddalena

  • Alessandro Spera

  • Storti Anna Maria

  • Mengoni Marco


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