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Project promoted dall'AUR-Agency Umbria Research co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Umbria ESF "Regional Competitiveness and Employment '2007-2013

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Titolo idea:


Deborah Barlozzi


Descrizione del progetto:


Our idea is to create pockets inside women boots, for all those situations where carrying a handbag would be an inconvenience, for example in a club or during a journey.
We would start by commercialising two different models, i.e. "Texan" and "Indian" styles. The production would be entrusted to an artisan shoe-maker.


Componenti della squadra:


  • Barlozzi Deborah  
  • Pitzalis Arianna      
  • Burioli Jessica              
  • Kaur Kirandeep
  • Chuquirol Elizabeth


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