Titolo idea:
Senza confini
Descrizione del progetto:
Our service organizes trips to Europe. Our customers will have the possibility to visit the places they prefer, from European most famous capitals to the less well known, but still wonderful, and meet new people from all over Italy and throughout Europe. An online platform (social network) will be available on our website To stay in touch with them, through which you can share photos, create new routes and chat with their friends, a sort of social network exclusively reserved to our customers. We ourselves will arrange itineraries to discover new places in Europe that would otherwise never have visited and events in various Italian cities of origin in such a way as to meet again with the people who met on the road.
Componenti della squadra:
- Borio Veronica
- Donati Viola
- Minelli Marco
- Tomarelli Leonardo
- Benedetti Lorenzo