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Project promoted dall'AUR-Agency Umbria Research co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Umbria ESF "Regional Competitiveness and Employment '2007-2013

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Titolo idea:


Sama Servizio Domicilio


Descrizione del progetto:


Our business idea consists into the management of a service of assistance in writing, pickup and delivery of paper documents to and from private homes and offices of public and private administrations, schools, banks, shipping. We want to select teams of highly qualified operators who represent intermediaries in checking up for the correct writing of any kind of forms (administrative, fiscal, social, trading, legal, estates) and at the same time are interested to delivery the forms theirselves. At the beginning the service will be local and will approach people from Umbria.


Componenti della squadra:


  • Olimpi Silvia

  • Di Molfetta Miriana    

  • Masci Alessandra

  • Mancini Alessia



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